Freelancer to Agency: #4 How to Brand Your Agency

Your agency's brand should speak to your target customers.

Hi there! đź‘‹ 

Welcome to the next edition of the Freelancer to Agency series. 

Now that you’ve incorporated your agency and have chosen the niche you will serve, you need to decide on how to brand your agency.

The right branding can help you attract the type of clients you want to work with by clearly communicating your value proposition and highlighting what separates you from your peers. 

When I started my content marketing agency, I knew exactly what type of customers I wanted so I tailored our branding to speak to our customer base. (It was Bitcoin companies and my branding reflected that clearly in terms of the brand colors, the language we used, and our value proposition.)

But enough about me, let’s dive in!

How to Brand Your Agency: Ask Yourself These Questions!

To help you brand your agency to speak to your ideal customers, you should ask yourself the following questions: 

Who is your target audience?

First and foremost, you need to be clear about who you want as your customers. 

For example, if you want to deal specifically with sports brands, you need to brand your agency so that it is immediately clear to anyone coming across your agency online that you market sports brands. 

The same goes for any other type of industry or niche you want to service. 

Get clear on who your ideal customers are, what their pain points are, how you can help them, and the language they use so that you can brand yourself in a way that makes it clear that you are the right agency to solve their marketing problems. 

What is your agency’s why?

Having a solid “why” is another important part of your agency's branding. Why does your agency exist and what solutions does it seek to provide? 

A clear mission statement that defines your target audience, the purpose of your agency, and the services you offer answers the why question. 

In addition to articulating your mission and value proposition, you should have clear core values for your agency. Your agency’s core values will shape your company culture and can help you attract the right talent. 

What do you want your brand identity to be?

Your company’s brand identity is a sum of how you communicate your goals, mission, values, and vision. Simply put, it’s how you want your brand to be viewed. 

You need to have clear goals, purpose, and position. 

The right brand personality that embodies your why will have a huge impact on your brand identity, the voice and tone of your brand assets, and marketing materials. 

What do you want your brand voice to be?

If you were to call or text your brand, what would the conversation sound like? 

A key part of branding is communicating with your target audience. 

Your brand needs to have a voice that can easily connect and resonate with your target customers and should be consistent across all your marketing channels. 

What’s your tagline?

If you could sum up your value proposition in a few words, what would it be? 

What is the elevator pitch? 

A strong brand tagline communicates how you help your (potential) customers achieve their marketing goals. 

What brand colors will resonate most with your ideal customers?

Don’t just randomly choose brand colors. 

Colors help customers associate with the meaning of your brand.

For example, according to color theory, the color blue conveys trust, green conveys growth or freshness, while the color purple conveys royalty and superiority. 

Research what different colors are associated with before settling on brand colors to ensure they are suitable for your target market. 

What should your logo be?

A good logo will help people identify your agency at first glance and make a strong first impression. 

Besides it being the foundation of your agency’s brand identity, it also sets you apart from competitors and builds brand loyalty.  

You don’t need to reinvent the wheel, given that you are an agency and not a consumer brand, but the more you can stand out while still conveying your brand, the better. 

What differentiates you from your peers?

Finally, you should ask yourself how you differ from your agency peers in your industry. 

By now, you should have an idea of who else is providing similar marketing services in your industry so you should also be able to highlight - as part of your branding - how you differ from other agencies in the space (that may be competing for the same clientele). 

Make sure your value proposition is clear so that potential customers coming across your brand on social media or your website can immediately see what (added) value you can bring compared to other agencies. 

Brand your website and create brand assets

Once you are clear on what you want your agency’s brand to be, make sure your website reflects that! 

Next, update all your social media accounts and create marketing material that clearly reflects your agency’s brand. Consistency is key to ensuring your agency is easily recognizable to potential customers in your niche. 

And that’s it! 🚀

That’s what you need to do to brand your agency. 

Stay tuned for part #5 of the Freelancer to Agency series! Next week, we’ll discuss how to formulate your offer. 


I am also on TikTok now. If you’re on there, give me a follow and I’ll follow you back!


The goals we be chasing ⛵️#entrepreneur #goalscheck #agencyowner